Moderators and administrators, sorry very much for my bad english. If you see errors related to my bad english in this tutorial, please, correct it.
First of all...
Copyright 2012 Cristian Antonio Luis Campoy. This may not be reproduced under
any circumstances except for personal or private use. If you want to use it for your website, please, contact with me. Asking will don´t kill you. My answer will be a highly probable "Yes". But please, ask for permission.
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Please, inform me if you see any unauthorized sites with this guide.
If you wish to get in touch with me concerning this guide, feel free to do so. Constructive
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always appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Now, let´s start...
What do you need for create the RCD file as realistic as possible:
*Follow the instructions
*Any writing program that can open OSC, BCH and RCD files
* website
*The game F1 Challenge 99-02
*Patient for understand this.
Here are the instructions:
1. - Open your main F1 Challenge 99-02 folder (click the picture)
2. - DON´T TOUCH SAVE FOLDER (click the picture)
3. - Open config.ini (click the picture)
4. - Search for "GRIDSIZE" (click the picture)
You will see "GRIDSIZE=22".
(if you play 2012 mod, there are 24 different cars
(if you play 1989 mod, there are 39 different cars
(if you play 1995 mod, there are 26 different cars
(if you play 1994 mod, there are 28 different cars
Save the changes and close.
5. - Go to "options" folder (click the picture)
6. - Now you are here. Look for your OSC file (F12K2) (click the picture)
7. - Make a copy of your OSC file (click the picture)
8. - Copy created. Open the original OSC file.(click the picture)
9. - OSC file is opened. Scroll to the end.(click the picture)
10. - You must be here. Do a clic in your notepad window.(click the picture)
11. - Use the search function.(click the picture)
12. - Write in the small white rectangle: NUMBER OF AI DRIVERS and search.(click the picture)
13. - Delete the lines.(click the picture)
This is an example of a series of lines (picture by Valpaso75).
You must delete only all those series of lines that includes the words: "NUMBER OF AI DRIVERS". For do this. Clic search, then delete the series of lines. Clic the search button again and delete. Clic, delete, clic, delete... until the search function doesn´t find nothing.
14. - Save the changes and go back.(click the picture)
If you have deleted all the series of lines that includes the four words "NUMBER OF AI DRIVERS", sve the changes and exit. Go back to your main F1C folder.
This tutorial ends here, but there´s much more to show. I reccomend you to come with me and have a look.
15. - Start the game.(click the picture)
16. - Create a new PLR file.(click the picture)
17. - Creating a new PLR file.(click the picture)
Once you created your new player, exit the game and go back to your main F1C folder if you aren´t interested to follow these optional steps.
*Optional steps in this demostration starts here*
17b. - Playing championship mode for see the number of opponents.(click the picture)
17c. - Looking drivers and constructors classification (example, 1990 mod)
Drivers championship: Here are all the 34 opponents instead of 21. And remember: I didn´t modified ANY PLR or BCH file in save folder.
Constructors championship: Here are all the 19 constructors instead of the classical 11. Remembering again: I didn´t modified ANY PLR or BCH file in save folder.
*Optional steps in this demostration ends here*
18. - Main F1C folder
19. - Go to Save folder
20. - Go to the new player folder
If you have a F1C folder with mods that maximum number of opponents is the same on each mod (for example, 2010, 2011 and 2012), problems are solved. No matter how many new players you create, all of them will have the number of opponents that you want (in this particular case, 23).
The only restriction is this: You can´t modify in the game the number of AI drivers on track. You will compete always with the maximum number of opponents in a determinated mod (vs 34 cars in 1990 mod, for example).
But... what happens if you have different mods with different numbers of playable characters? Yes, perhaps you want to play 1995 mod and maximum number of opponents still be 34.
Simple! You MUST FOLLOW ONLY STEPS 3 AND 4. CHANGE THE VALUE OF GRIDSIZE TO THE NUMBER OF TOTAL CARS IN THAT MOD (In 1995CK, 26. In 1989, 39. In 2010, 24. In 1994, 28, etc.) Then, start the game, create a new player file, configure it with the options that are available in the game and enjoy!
*This tutorial ends here.*
-Cristian Luis Campoy-